Salient Features
To stand out in the crowd of mushrooming educational institutions, KMS employs imaginative and effective methods of student engagement. These unique ways result in definite results both in academic and co-curricular domains. Some features which give the School a distinguished identity are- 35 years of excellence in the field of Education.
- Provide the finest Education to children from Pre-KG to X grade
- Professionally trained and experienced staff
- Provide individual attention to late bloomers
- Emphasis on All-round development Use of modem teaching and learning materials.
- Interactive Smart Board Technology
- Play way methods for small kids
- Value based excellence in Education
- E-leaming facility.
- Emphasis on all skills of English language
- Mandatory Extra-curricular Activities
- Guidance and Counseling
- Expert visiting faculty
- Educational field trip and tours to promote learning through exposure and experience.